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Welcome to Kehilat Nitzan

Melbourne's only Masorti (Conservative) Synagogue

Make Kehilat Nitzan Your Spiritual Home

Kehilat Nitzan is a warm and welcoming Synagogue that inspires congregants through our spiritually uplifting services and commitment to Jewish living. Our mission is to be an inclusive, vibrant home where traditional Judaism is lived and breathed, where community is family, learning inspires action, prayer touches the heart, and good deeds repair the world.

Celebrating Our Past: Writing Our Future

We invite you to  participate in our Chai Torah Campaign, a fundraising drive to bring a new Sefer Torah to Kehilat Nitzan. The new Torah is being written for us by Ashkelon-based Sofer and Masorti Rabbi Gustavo Suraszki, who wrote the first words of Bereshit in the scroll when he visited our community in early December 2024. 

Resources will also be committed to building a new Ark and providing our congregation with meaningful spiritual, religious and cultural experiences for years to come.  You can visit our Chai Torah Campaign page HERE, and all donations are tax deductible. 


Upcoming Events

All Events
  • Thursday ,
    MarMarch  13 , 2025
    Kehilat Nitzan's Family Purim Party
    Thursday, Mar 13th 6:30p to 9:30p
    Celebrate Purim at Kehilat Nitzan. There'll be something for people of all ages, starting with Kids' Activities and a Costume Parade from 6.30pm; the Megillah Reading from 7.30pm; and, in the spirit of the holiday, Cocktails & Drinks for the grown-ups from 8.30pm.


  • Tuesday ,
    MarMarch  18 , 2025
    Tackling Campus Antisemitism
    Tuesday, Mar 18th 7:30p to 9:30p
    Efrat Eilam and Steven Prawer are co-founders and Directors of 5A, the Alliance of Australian Academics Against Antisemitism. Jessica Cebon is the incoming Deputy President of MUJSS, the Melbourne University Jewish Students Society, and an active member of Kehilat Nitzan.




Our services are traditional and egalitarian, where everyone participates equally. To find out more head to our services page

Erev Shabbat
Friday evening services are musical and spiritual, starting at 6:00pm, Ma'ariv follows at candle lighting time - about an hour in total.

Shabbat morning
Shabbat services start with Shachrit at 9:30am. Please note that Kehilat Nitzan follows a triennial cycle for Torah reading.

Weekday Minyanim 
Monday to Friday at 7:30 am via Zoom.

Talmud Shiur Class
Wednesdays at 8.30am after the Minyan.

Sun, 16 February 2025 18 Shevat 5785