Bequests and Donations
If you would like to support us, please contact us to make a donation or make a gift in your will. You can direct your donation or bequest to a specific fund or program if you like.
If you would like to remember Kehilat Nitzan in your Will, we suggest you use the following wording:
I give to Kehilat Nitzan Conservative (Masorti) Community Inc.
[Choose one of the following]
- $ [insert sum] free from all duties, taxes, levies for its general purposes.
- $ [insert sum] free from all duties, taxes, levies to be applied towards (name program) or a similar program.
- The residue of my estate
- X % of the residue of my estate
- My [specified assets of religious cultural significance].
If you would like to support us, you can make a donation through this link or by calling the office.
You can also talk to your accountant or lawyer to include Kehilat Nitzan Conservative (Masorti) Community Inc. as a beneficiary under your family trust, so you can distribute pre-tax income in lieu of a post-tax donation.
Donations can be made to a program of your choosing, the General Fund, KN Community Library or Tikkun Olam (TO). Donations to the Library and TO are tax deductible.