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Kehilat Nitzan is the only Masorti (Conservative) congregation in Melbourne,  Australia. We are committed to Jewish tradition and law (halachah), Israel and Zionism, Jewish learning and the study of Torah.   

We offer traditional, egalitarian Shabbat, morning minyanim and chag (festival) services, and shiurim (study sessions) in a warm and friendly environment. We welcome and include everybody, regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation. 

Our mission is to be an inclusive, vibrant home where traditional Judaism is lived and breathed, where community is family, where learning inspires action, where prayer touches the hearts and good deeds repair the world.  To read more about us, click here and visit Rabbi Yonatan Sadoff's drashot and articles here.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Kehilat Nitzan stands with Israel

There are not enough words or prayers to extend to those who are mourning family members and friends who have already lost their lives in the current conflict. We are praying for the healing of the wounded and the safe return of those who have been abducted. We know there are many in our community who are personally affected, and we want you to know that we are here to support you.

כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה
"All of Israel are responsible for one another (and stand as One)".
Talmud Bavli (Sh'vuot 39a)

Office hours

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday  Friday
9am-5pm 9am-3pm 9am-7pm 9am-5pm 10am-1pm

We are closed on Jewish holidays and public holidays.

Sun, 28 July 2024 22 Tammuz 5784