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Kehilat Nitzan follows a triennial cycle for Torah reading, where only about a third of the Torah portion is read each year. This tradition has its origins in Palestine, whereas the complete annual reading of the Torah follows an ancient Babylonian practice.

The Rabbinical Assembly's Committee on Jewish Law and Standards approved the triennial cycle for Conservative congregations in 1988.

Please note that our chumashim (books in which we follow the Torah reading) show the divisions of the reading in the various sections for each aliyah (call up) to the Torah in the annual cycle rather than the triennial cycle.

Triennial listings are available online and in the Rabbinical Assembly's teshuvah.  An essay by Rabbi Lionel Moses about the history of Torah reading can be found in the Etz Hayim Torah & Commentary (page 1479).

Resources for Torah Readers inlcude:

  1. Triennial Torah readings (Congregation Shearith Israel in Dallas, TX) – Both printable text files and audio files for each aliyah for each parasha using triennial divisions
  2. Bible.ort – Verse-by-verse audio files with transliteration and translation for Torah readings (traditional divisions) and Haftorot
  3. Scroll Scraper – Enables you to plug in the specific verses you are assigned and presents them in Tikkun format (taken from the Bible.ort site)
  4. Tanach Without Vowels – Non-Tikkun presentation (does not include vowels or trope but does include line endings) so you can check your leyning in another format
  5. Tutorial resources from Cantor Gastón Bogomolni for reading Torah and Haftorah including print and sound files


Sun, 27 October 2024 25 Tishrei 5785