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High Holy Days 5782

Monday, 6 September, 2021 29 Elul 5781

All Day for 10 Days

Online streaming of High Holy Day services

We look forward to welcoming you to our Kehila in prayer and song and sharing the High Holy Days together. Our religious services shall be broadcast on livestream in such a way that you can turn on your devices before the High Holy Days begin and watch, passively, keeping all the halachic laws.

Setting up your equipment before Yom Tov to view content on Yom Tov is not forbidden. This coupled with the concept of shaat Hadechak (a time of great urgency) allows us to livestream religious services for you to watch on your computer or SmartTV. Remember to turn off your screen savers, lock screens and password requirements. See halachic livestreaming for more information.  

Register to receive an email with the livestream link. Pages numbers for the Masorti and ArtScroll machzors will be displayed during the service.

To donate, click here


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Sat, 15 February 2025 17 Shevat 5785