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Bnei Mitzvah Audio Resources


Tefilla Skills (Beit Knesset)



Shema and V’ahavta (p. 346 Sim Shalom)



Taking out the Torah “Ein Kamocha” p. 394



Taking out the Torah “Vayehi Binsoa Ha-aron” paragraph p. 394



Taking out the Torah "Shema" p.398



Torah blessings p. 400,402



Haftarah blessings (before and after) p. 410



Tefilat “Ashrei” p. 420-422



Putting Away the Torah “Yhalelu” p. 422 (Mizmor L’David 424)  “Etz Hayim Hi” p. 426



Ein K’Eloheinu p. 508



Adon Olam   p.514



Bayit skills


 11.   Hadlakat Neirot / Candle Lighting p. 717


 12.  Kiddush for Friday Night p. 726


 13.  Kiddush for Shabbat Morning p. 734




Please click the left column to open from Google Drive, or the right-hand column plays the audio in your web browser.  


Sun, 27 October 2024 25 Tishrei 5785